What is this business coaching thing, anyway?

I was recently asked to take part in an online coach forum - one of those things where a number of supposed experts are asked questions by the organiser in return for a little publicity. I watched the previous episode in preparation. There were a range of coaches involved, from what seemed to be a skincare specialist through to qualified psychologists. I was impressed by the amount these people and their clients were earning (there was a sort of income inflation through the event, from "6-figure incomes" at the start to "8-figure incomes" at the end - a princely income for any coach). Currencies were not mentioned. I was also impressed by the fervent belief in coaching on display. Many of them had, it seems, invested eye-watering amounts in their own coaching whilst living as a single parent in a garret and now, after getting a return in a matter of months, were dedicating their lives to serving clients. You might sense some ambivalence in my words. I feel about...