Is your client trusted by their employees?
When you are talking to your clients about delegation they may say that “I don’t trust my employees”. Usually that doesn't mean they think their staff are stealing each others’ sandwiches from the kitchen fridge, or selling company secrets online – it’s just that they don’t think they care enough or understand enough to be trusted with more responsibility. This is a great opportunity to talk to them about the right culture for delegation. If employees are overloaded, fed up with getting grief from unhappy customers, feeling unloved and underpaid, resentful towards management (that is, towards your client)…don’t try to delegate stuff to them. If that is the situation in their business then chances are that your client is also feeling overloaded, fed up with getting grief from unhappy customers, unloved and underpaid…and resentful towards their staff. This is a recipe for a downward spiral. How then to break out of this situation? And break out of it your client must, or...