What have your clients already tried?
I worked once with a copywriter to develop some new marketing collateral and he asked “What have your clients tried that hasn’t worked before they come to you?”. A thoughtful question that you might usefully ask yourself - the answers might help you target new prospects better and ask better questions of them once they are in front of you. What have your clients tried that hasn’t worked before they come to you? Many business owners believe that the stress, frustration and limited growth they experience is just the way it is – it comes with the territory. They don’t know what they don’t know and so don’t think about changing things. Others, perhaps more enlightened or more unhappy with their working life and business performance, try to change things when they come across something that looks like a solution. Here are the most common: Vision-building sessions with staff. Often these result in a mission statement or pictures on the wall of people rock-climbing and so forth. These efforts...