
Showing posts from July, 2024

Business coach start-up lessons

Just starting as a business coach?  Here are three things I have learned from my own journey and from mentoring other business coaches who are starting theirs: 1.  Target a niche. Telling prospects that you are a business coach and that you are "pasionate about helping them" or you have "been there and done it" is not compelling.  Deep experience in solving the exact problems they are facing is far more likely to get their attention. Your niche could be vertical (dentists or IT service companies, say) or functional (sales or leadership, say).  Note that you still need the complete range of business knowledge at your fingertips; what manifests as a sales problem may actaully be rooted in strategy or structure, and the ability to apply cross-industry experience to solve problems is valuable to your clients. 2. Create a tangible solution. Coaching and its outcomes are difficult for your prospect to envision.  Presenting the coaching process in terms of some framework o